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How do I dispose of carpet cleaning water?
Stormwater, Clean Oceans, & Pollution Prevention
Water Quality Guidelines for Carpet Cleaning Activities
This page is intended to explain the regulatory issues regarding the discharge of carpet cleaning washwater. This brochure also explains the procedures that should be followed when carpet cleaning is conducted either by yourself or by professional carpet cleaners.

When using water and detergents to clean carpets, residents and professional carpet cleaners should follow these guidelines in order to prevent waste or washwater from entering the storm drains where it flows untreated to bays, estuaries and ultimately to the ocean.

These guidelines apply even if the cleaning products are labeled 
“nontoxic?or “biodegradable? Although these products may be less harmful to the environment, they can still have harmful effects if they enter the stormdrain untreated.

Filtering Wastewater:

Both residents and professional carpet cleaners should be sure to filter the washwater from carpet cleaning before discharging it to the sanitary sewer since fibers and other debris in the wastewater can clog pipes. The filtered material can be disposed of in the garbage, provided that the carpet was not contaminated with hazardous materials, which cannot be discharged to the sanitary sewer.

Residential Carpet Cleaners:

Washwater from carpet cleaning must be discharged into a sink, toilet, or other drain connected to the sanitary sewer system within your residence. The washwater should never be disposed of in a street, gutter, parking lot or storm drain.

When hiring professional carpet cleaners ask your contractor where they discharge carpet cleaning washwater.

Check with the contractor to ensure the spent cleaning washwater tank is emptied into a utility sink or other indoor sewer connection.

If you contract with a carpet cleaner regularly, arrange an appropriate location for the contractor to discharge cleaning washwater such as a utility sink, toilet, or sewer cleanout.

Professional Carpet Cleaner Users:

Washwater from carpet cleaning must be discharged to a sink, toilet, or other drain connected to the sanitary sewer system - never to a street, gutter, parking lot, or storm drain.

The spent cleaning fluid can be disposed of in a utility sink or other indoor sewer connection at your home base.

Or, contact the nearest stormwater program agency for additional disposal options.

Preventing Releases to the Storm Drain:

Question: Can any liquids, solids or spilled materials from carpet cleaning activities be discharged to the stormdrain? 

Answer: No carpet cleaning washwater or waste may be discharged to the storm drain. 
Remember: Think...about what you are doing before you start cleaning. 
Question: Does the carpet cleaner have the equipment, material and personnel to handle a spill or discharge (such as a detergent spill)? 

Answer: Be Prepared...for any spill or discharge. 
Remember: Pre-plan: Gather the right equipment and enough material ahead of time. 
Question: Is it safe for me to clean up spills and discharges? 

Answer: Know...in advance, what you are handling and what to do and make sure staff are trained. 
Remember: Your safety is paramount. 
Question: When do I begin to clean up spills and discharges? 

Answer: Act...immediately, using known and safe procedures, and try to contain the spilled material on your property. 
Remember: Protect the storm drain. 
Question: Do I need to report spills or discharges? 

Answer: Communicate...the spill to your supervisor as soon as possible. 
Remember: Report all spills and discharges that are not contained on site to the number below or to 911 after hours. 

Remember: Before you allow anything to go into the gutter or storm drain, stop and think.

Storm drains do not go to the sewer, they flow directly into channels and creeks, through wetlands and to the ocean.

Remember the ocean begins at your front door.

For more information or should you have questions, please contact the City's Water Quality Manager at (714) 229-6740.

Created on Aug.  4, 2002 at  7:09 PM (PDT). Last updated by kgraham@cypressca.org on July 26, 2019 at  4:30 PM (PDT). Owned by cmcmahon@ci.cypress.ca.us.
Catherine McMahon
Kirsten Graham
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