I think I have Red Imported Fire Ants on my property? Who do I contact to confirm that they are fire ants? |
How do I report a dead animal? |
How do I report a dead Bird who could potentially carry West Nile Virus? |
There is an active bee hive on or near my property. What do I do? |
How do property owners form an assessment district? |
What exactly is a 100-Year Flood? |
What can you do to prepare for a flood emergency before flooding occurs? |
What should you do during a flood emergency? |
What should you do after a flooding event? |
How can I use sand bags to protect my house during a flood? |
Where can I get sandbags in the City? |
How can I use plywood to protect my house or dwelling during a flood? |
Where can I learn more about FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and the National Flood Insurance Program? |
What flood zone is the City? |
What are the City's standard drawings and details? |
How do I report graffiti? |
What are common causes of Sewage Spills? |
What should I do if I have a sewer spill because of blockage in my service or private line? |
My plumber said there is a problem with my sewer and that the City will fix it. Is this true? |
Why can't the City repair my property's sewer lateral under the street? |
Can my plumber work on my sewer line? |
What kind of pipe can I use to repair my sewer line? |
What type of permit is required for work on sewers? |
Why is the sewer lateral the responsibility of the private property owner? |
Can I put my medications down the toilet or drain? |
Does the City have a Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) program? |
There are tree roots in my line, apparently from a city parkway tree. My plumber says the line must be broken, and he wants a lot of money to fix it. What should I do? |
What is "Root Killer"? |
How do tree roots enter sewer lines? |
Where can I dispose of my used motor oil? |
How do I dispose of my pool water? |
How do I dispose of carpet cleaning water? |
What can and must restaurants do to prevent waste or wash water from entering the storm drain system? |
What can and must mobile detailers do to keep waste and washwater from entering the storm drain system? |
How does runoff from car wash fundraisers harm the environment? |
What do pet owners need to know about preventing pet care activities from contaminating our oceans? |
When it rains or water is washed down the street, do you know where your stomwater goes? |
How does the Storm Drain System Work? |
What are common pollutants that people use or around every day that reduce ocean water quality? |
What can I do to promote clean ocean water? |
What should I do if my sewer line is blocked or broken and a sewage is spilled? |
Yard clippings leaves are natural, so they don't cause any problems, right? |
I wash my own car. How can I be environmentally responsible? |
Are sewers and storm drains the same thing? |
What do I do if I see someone discharging concrete, paint, plaster, or other material into the gutter? |
What can I do to help protect water quality in my neighborhood? |
I operate a food service establishment in the City. Are there any regulations that impact my business? |
What do I need to know about pesticides? |
Where can I find out more about Water Quality/Pollution Prevention? |
Where can I find out more about stormwater BMP's for construction activities?
http://www.ocwatersheds.com/ConstructionActivities.aspx |
My street light is broken. How do I get a street light fixed? |
Why are alleys treated differently than streets? |
What's involved in Street Maintenance? |
When will my street be resurfaced? |
What causes pot holes? |
Is it a requirement for a City to use a pavement management system? |
What is Slurry Seal? |
Why is the City slurry sealing my street? |
What should I expect after my street has been sealed? |
What precautions should the neighborhood citizens take when their streets are slurried? |
My sidewalk is raised and I would like to have it repaired. |
I would like to know when my streets are going to be re-paved |
Can I park after the Sweeper has swept the street? |
How often are the streets swept? |
What are the benefits of street sweeping? |
How often does the street sweeper come into my neighborhood? |
What if I have a concern about a traffic safety matter in my neighborhood? |
I need some traffic count information for a particular street in the City. |
Won't a "Children at Play Sign" help protect our kids? |
What can parents do to protect their children and promote traffic safety? |
How is traffic congestion measured? |
What is a crosswalk? |
How are crosswalks used? |
What can cause accidents at marked crosswalks? |
Where are crosswalks normally marked? |
What is Traffic Engineering? |
Can I paint the curb red and install my own traffic signs on the street? |
Can the City paint the curb red in front of fire hydrants? |
It is hard to see the oncoming traffic at a particular intersection or when existing my driveway. Can you help? |
When should a traffic signal be installed? |
How can arterial traffic signals be better managed? |
What if the traffic light at a particular intersection is not working? |
What is a protected left turn signal? |
What is a protected/permissive left turn signal? |
What is meant by uniformity of traffic control devices? |
Why do we have speed limits? |
What do realistic speed limits do? |
What are the consequences of unrealistic speed limits? |
How are speed limits set? |
Do speed limit signs reduce collisions or lower speeds in residential neighborhoods? |
How can residents more accurately judge a vehicle's speed? |
Can I get a speed limit sign on a residential street? |
How can I find out about how speed limits are established in the City?
Why doesn't the City just put up stop signs to slow down traffic? |
What happens when stop signs are installed to as "nuisances" or "speed breakers" to slow traffic? |
What is a stop sign's effect on driver and pedestrian behavior? |
What are some other effects of stop signs? |
How is the need for a stop sign determined? |
Where can I get more information regarding stop signs that includes reference to papers and articles? |
Where do I find out about Trash and Recycling questions? |
What is an urban forest? |
What are the benefits of trees and the urban forest? |
Am I allowed to trim the City tree in front of my property |
How do I get my street tree trimmed? |
How can I have a tree planted in front of my residence? |
I would like to have a tree removed from my parkway. |
What do I do with my holiday trees? |
*Where can I get more information about City Street Trees? |
How can I check for water leaks? |
What are some easy ways to save money ($$$) on my water bill and conserve water? |
What is the equivalent household usage acre-foot of water? |
What is the capacity of a water line if its diameter is doubled? |
I am a new resident and I would like to receive water service. |
How do I report a leaking fire hydrant? |
Who provides water service to the City? |